Need A Friend? Meet Your Own Personal Al hologram

6 min readDec 20, 2020


Heilmyndinni AI Company

(Conferring the care you deserve)

Loneliness and social isolation have the ability to effect mental health and physical health. All you need is a hand that reach out for you. A friend who is always together in spirit and times when you need the most, people leave but technology doesn’t. Some people suffering from diseases like immunodeficiency disorder is restricted to have human contact.

So here we present our first PERSONAL HOLOGRAM AI who’ll be your friend. This will be more than any AI virtual assistant you have in your phone but a customizable human hologram. The fourth industrial revolution is like a magical change that turns imagination into reality. Heilmyndinni AI Company start this magic with the AI hologram.

The purpose of hologram is solely to serve it’s user. The best part of it is you can access your AI hologram through our AI lenses which comes with a feature that only you can see your hologram.


The hologram comes with more than 20 features. The first most important is it’s customizable property you can change its looks and make it look like a girl or a boy. The hologram went through deep learning, essential process for Artificial Intelligence. It can read facial expression and feel emotions. It can detect various smell using it’s sensory device. It understand stocks, foreign languages and accounting.

The hologram can access all fully automatic devices like fully automatic cars. Good at navigation knows all the route. The best part is it can Identify people as it can access data from people personal data so this help people with face blindness. Using it’s examining sensor the hologram can detect objects.

Technologies Used in Hologram

Although most of our technology are not to be shared publicly for security reasons but here are some of the technologies we used in building this hologram. We used Azure AI technology for the hologram to let it translate different languages. AI holo lenses enables you to see the hologram.

Latest reality capture technology is used to create hologram. Hologram can use it’s voice to speak using the latest Artificial Intelligence technology called neural text to speech or Neural TTS.

Here are some of the links to take you to the hologram world.

· “Hologram World 1”

· Hologram World 2

· “Okaeri: The man who fell in love and married an AI hologram”

Market Demand of Hologram

Global “Hologram Market” (2020–2024) report states import/send out utilization, organic market Figures, cost, value, income and gross edges. It is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2020 and 2024. In 2020, the market was growing at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon. The report study identifies the emergence of 3D holograms as one of the prime reasons driving the hologram market growth during the next few years.

List of TOP KEY PLAYERS in Hologram Market Report are:

● Eon Reality Inc.

● Geola Digital uab

● HoloTech SwitzerlAG

● Holoxica Ltd.

● Leia Inc.

The key players operating in the global holographic imaging market are Mach7 Technologies Limited, EON Reality, zSpace, RealView Imaging, and Ovizio Imaging Systems NVSA. The key vendors are adopting strategic mergers and acquisitions in order to strengthen their presence and maintain position in the global market. The manufacturers are also taking various initiatives to develop new device in order to supplement market growth in the coming years.

The report on the hologram market provides a holistic analysis, market size and forecast, trends, growth drivers, and challenges, as well as vendor analysis covering around 25 vendors.

The report offers an up-to-date analysis regarding the current global market scenario, latest trends and drivers, and the overall market environment. The market is driven by the widening applications of holographic technology, advantages of digital holography and increased need for security. In addition, widening applications of holographic technology is anticipated to boost the growth of the market as well.

Estimated Price of Hologram

Basically the price of holograms with not many functions varies from 3,500$ to 4,500$.So a hologram with more than 20+ functions would cost around 15,000$-25,000$.Extra cost for the AI lenes will be around 3000$. If the product is succesfull and our company earns worth the price then people who’ll need it the most will be given the AI hologram for free.

Risk Analysis

The biggest risk in the AI hologram is if someone achieves to hack it. But if this happens the user can press the button on the lens so that no software overrides it and this cut link to the server. Another risk might be the advancement of AI which can lead the hologram to take decisions against it’s rules.

Targeted Customers

The Customers like technology enthusiasts might be keen to buy product like this. Also people who don’t like socializing might want to but this. It’s other great feature also makes it worthy to spend your money on. Nowadays the trend of AI technology is reaching new heights. In the world of entertainment the AI technology is being used as well is depicted in beautiful ways. People suffering from no contact diseases can use it. More than using the hologram in public sector it is designed to take personal care of the user as their friend .

The following pictures will show you the advancement of AI in the entertainment industry.

Marketing an AI Product

The best way to show our product when it comes to AI is being able to explain it to normal people. AI is a tool, and a feature. And the worst thing will we can do when marketing an AI product is getting caught up in tools and features. What we will focus on is benefits.

It’s worth taking a pointer from Salesforce and its Einstein solution. They’ve got a market cap of something like $111 billion. You should listen to Salesforce. Here’s how they describe their AI on the top line: “Work smarter with artificial intelligence that’s built right into Salesforce.”They do go a bit deeper in the next sentence: “Get more done with Einstein AI, your smart CRM assistant. Make decisions faster, make employees more productive, and make customers happier using AI-powered predictions and recommendations.”

Our AI Hologram offers a lot.. You will be notified of problems before they happen. We will spend more time dealing with customer questions. We will try to optimize pricing in real time. That is what AI does. And that’s the real power we’ll introduce to the user when we’re marketing our AI product.


Our company Heilmyndinni which also means Hologram in Icelandic language. It’s sole person is to provide the care you deserve.

“AI doesn’t have to be evil to destroy humanity — if AI has a goal and humanity just happens to come in the way, it will destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it, no hard feelings.”



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